Quality Management Quality Assurance Template

The QA Template Editor page allows you to add, delete, search, and update a template.
Enter the application, go to the Settings page, and click QA Template Editor under the QUALITY ASSURANCE section. In parallel to this, there is a list called Template Names. Template Names contains all the templates that have been created and saved previously.
Using the Filter Templates input box, you can search for specific Templates based on custom search criteria.
To create a new template, click New in the upper right hand corner of the page, near Copy. Template Name is the first field you need to fill in. The text box next to Template Name is filled in with the default name, New Template. Click the text box so that it becomes editable. Delete the default name and enter the name you want for this template.
Under the Template Name field, there are three checkboxes: Enable, Lock, and Allow Overall Comment.
The Enable button allows you to display your template in the list from the Playback page, where it can be evaluated. If the checkbox is checked, your template will be displayed and can be evaluated. When the checkbox is not checked, the template cannot be seen in the list on the Playback page.
The Lock button can make the template available or unavailable for evaluation. When the checkbox is checked, the template can be seen in the templates list from the Playback page, but it cannot be evaluated and is marked as LOCKED. When the checkbox is unchecked, the template can be evaluated.
The Allow Overall Comments button allows you to add a generic comment to the evaluation in the QA view on the Playback page. When the checkbox is checked, a comment button will be displayed in the QA view, under the Select Defaults button. Click the comment button to open the edit box and add a comment.
In order to create the template, you need to add sections. To add a new section, click Add Section, near the Delete Selected button. The first section (1) will be added with the default name, New Section. To change the name of the section, click the default name. The field will become editable. Delete the default name and write a new name for this section. After adding the section, you can add questions to it. Click Add Question at the end of the row. A new line is added beneath the section, numbered 1.1, with the default title New Question. To change the name of the section click the default name. The field will become editable. Delete the default name and write a name for this question.
After adding the first question, the section becomes expandable. A - (minus) symbol will appear near the checkbox of the section. By clicking the -, the section will collapse and the question will close. The - turns into a +. By clicking the + (plus), the section will expand and the question will become visible again.
To edit the question, click the + to expand it and view its details. The first drop-down menu allows you to choose the question type. You can add one of four question types: Yes or No Question, Single Choice Question, Multiple Choice Question, and Scale Question.
To make a Nested Question, select Yes from the Nested Question drop-down. Then choose the parent question and parent answer from the Select parent Question and Select parent Answer drop-downs. You can also allow comments to be added to the questions, by selecting Yes from the Allow Comments drop-down. Set the Total Points and Passing Points for the question by filling in the corresponding edit boxes.
The Total Points refers to the number of points that the entire question is worth. The Passing Points refers to the minimum number of points that the agent needs in order to pass the evaluation. For example, if a question is worth 10 Points and 6 Passing Points, the agent will pass this question if his answer is worth 7 or more points.
In the Answers section, you can edit your answers, assign value points to them, and set default answers.
The coaching hints section allows you to add helpful hints to a question, to provide additional information and clarification where necessary.
For all question types, except Scale Question, each answer has a drop-down menu, where you can choose if the question is Normal, NA, or Auto Fail.
The Normal option allows you to add regular scoring and weight percentage to each answer.
The NA option means that if the question is not answered, it will not affect the final score. This is used as a bonus type question, adding extra points to the final score of the evaluation.
The Auto Fail option means that if this answer is selected, the entire evaluation will fail, regardless of the score of other answers.
Simple Yes or No Question
The Simple Yes or No Question allows you to select either Yes or No to the added question. To add a Simple Yes or No Question, click the drop-down menu from the question type box and select Simple Yes or No Question. For all new added questions, the yes or no question will be selected by default. Click + to expand the question details.
In the Answers section, you have two options: Yes and No. Assign percentage weight to each answer. For example, if the entire question is worth 100% and if for the “Yes” answer you have “100,” this means that the Yes answer is worth 100% of the total points of the question. If the question is worth “10” in Total Points, the agent will receive 10 points for the Yes answer. If the “No” answer is “0”, this means that No is worth 0% of the total points of the question. If the question is worth “10” in Total Points, the agent will receive 0 points for the No answer.
The Add Answer button is disabled, because for this type of question you do not have the possibility to add more answers.
By clicking Add Default, you choose the default answer when completing the evaluation in the Playback Page. The default answer that you have chosen, appears in the Default answers field.
Single Choice Question
The Single Choice Question allows you to add multiple answers to the added question, from which you can only select one answer in the evaluation. To add a Single Choice Question, click the drop-down menu from the question text box and select Single Choice Question.
In the Answers section you will have one default answer, labeled Answer 1. To add more answers, click Add Answer. You can add as many answers as you want to this type of question. All answers will have a default name, according to the order in which they were added. To change the name of an answer, simply click on the default name and the field becomes editable. Delete the default name and add a new name to your answers.
The weight value for each answer is also expressed in percentages. For example, the Total Points for this question is 10. If the first answer is worth 100, the agent will receive 100% of the total points, meaning 10 points. If the second answer is worth 70, the agent will receive 70% of the total points, meaning 7 points.
To add a default answer, click the Default Answer button next to the answer that you want to set as default. The selected default answer will appear in the Default answers field. To change the default answer that you have chosen, click the Default Answer button of a different answer and the change will be reflected in the Default answers field. To delete the default answer that you have added, click X next to the answer name in the Default answers field.
If you want to delete an answer, simply click X, located next to the Add Default button. A pop-up message will appear on the screen: “Are you sure you want to delete this answer?” with the options Delete and Cancel. Click Delete to delete the answer. A confirmation message will appear at the bottom of the page highlighted in green: “Selected items were deleted successfully."
Multiple Choice Question
The Multiple Choice Question allows you to add multiple answers to the added question, from which you can select more answers in the evaluation. To add a Multiple Choice Question, click the drop-down menu from the question type box and select Multiple Choice Question.
Click the Add Answer button to add as many answers as you want to this question. Click on each answer to change its default name.
The weight of each answer is expressed in percentages. The calculation method is the same as the one used for the Single Answer Question described above.
Click the Default Answer button to add an answer as default. For the Multiple Choice Question type, you can add as many default answers as you like. They will be reflected in the Default answers field. To delete a default answer, click the X next to the answer name in the Default answers field.
To delete an answer that you have added, click X, located next to the Add Default button. A pop-up message will appear on the screen: “Are you sure you want to delete this answer?” with the options Delete and Cancel. Click Delete to delete the answer. A confirmation message will appear at the bottom of the page highlighted in green: “Selected items were deleted successfully."
Scale Question
The Scale Question allows you to evaluate a question that fits within a range from a minimum value to a maximum value. To add a Scale Question, click the drop-down menu from the question type box and select Scale Question.
In the Answers section you have a From field, where you set the minimum value and a To value, where you set the maximum value. Please note that the From value cannot be higher than the To value. In the evaluation, the scale allows you to select all existing numbers that fit between the To and From values.
In the Default value section, click the blank field; it becomes editable. Type the value you want to set as default, that fits between the To and From values.
Next to this fields you can see Auto Fail Threshold. This option allows the user to determine the fail threshold and if the agent scores less than the set threshold, that question will auto-fail the entire evaluation, regardless of any other answers. If an auto-fail type of question exists in the template, the user will be announced and the “Evaluation could fail on single answer” message will be displayed.
Nested Questions
Nested Questions allow you to add questions that are fully contained within other questions following the parent-child pattern.
To add a nested question select Yes from the Nested Question drop-down menu. The Select parent Question drop-down menu becomes active.  Click the Select parent Question drop-down and it will display all available question names. Select the question that you want to set as parent for the current question. After you select the parent question, the Select parent Answer drop-down menu becomes active. Click on the drop-down menu to select the answer that will determine the child question. For example, if you have a Simple Yes or No Question as a parent question and the parent answer is Yes, if you select Yes in the evaluation, the nested child question will be displayed, to be evaluated. Otherwise, if you select the No answer, the nested child question will not be displayed in the evaluation.
You can add as many child- or grandchild- nested questions as you like to a parent question.
Note that a Scale Question cannot be set as parent question because the scale type does not allow for a specific answer to be selected as a parent Answer. The parent answer needs to be a radio button or checkbox answer to determine a child question. Also, the parent question and its nested question is always found within the same section of the template.
Reorder Sections and Questions
You have the option to change the order of the sections in your template and the order of the questions within a section.
To reorder the sections, just click on a Section and drag it to a different position and then release to drop it in the order that you want.
To reorder the questions within the section, click on the Question and drag it to a different position, then release to drop the question in the desired place.
The sections and question numbering will be reordered accordingly. The name of the questions and sections will not be affected in any way.
Copy Template
The Copy function in the QA Template editor page allows you to create an exact copy of an existing template. This option is very helpful if you need a new template that is only slightly different from one that has already been created.
To make a copy of a template, open the template that you want to replicate from the Template Names list on the left. Click the Copy button from the upper right hand corner of the page, between New and Delete. This will create a copy of the selected template, but with the default name “Copy of [Name_of_selected_template].” Modify the name and any other details that are necessary and then click the Save button.
Per Question
Click the Consistency drop-down menu and select the Per Question option. This will allow you to set the difficulty level for each and every question in the template according to question points. Click and drag the difficulty bar from Easy to Hard to set the passing points for every question. The points will be reflected in the right upper hand corner of the page, as the Passing Points red bar.
Per Template
Click the Consistency drop-down menu and select the Per Template option. This will allow you to set the difficulty level of the template according to the total number of points in the template, as summed up from all questions. The difficulty bar will be displayed at the top of the page, under the Consistency drop-down menu. Click and drag the difficulty bar from Easy to Hard to set the passing points from the template. The points will be reflected in the right upper hand corner of the page, as the Passing Points red bar. 
Passing Calculation
Use this drop-down menu to choose the way in which the Passing Points for the template will be displayed. When you choose By Points option, the template calculations for the Passing Points will be displayed according to the number of points. The passing points will be displayed in brackets at the beginning of the row and the percentage at the end of the row. The By Percentage option focuses the calculation of the passing points mainly on the percentage from the 100% that is the maximum for the entire template.
Bonus Calculation
This focuses on the Possible Points with Bonus calculation, which displays the total number of points that the agent can obtain, including the points for bonus questions, meaning that it will exceed 100%. Choosing the By Points option will display the total number of possible points with bonus and the percentage over 100%. The By Percentage option displays a percentage edit box, where the bonus can be set in percentage, the number of points not being relevant in this case.
Export Template
The export function allows you to download an existing template to your local workstation, in XML format. To do this, select a template from the Template Name list on the left and click the Export button from the upper right hand corner of the page, near Import. The XML file with the template contents will be downloaded immediately to your local workstation.
Import Template
The Import function allows you to upload a template to the QM application in the Template Names list. The uploaded file must be in XML format to be imported. Once you have the file, click the Import button in the upper right hand corner of the screen near Export. The XML file will be imported as a template in the application and you will receive a confirmation message if the import was successful. After that, your imported template will appear in the Template Names list.
To save all of your changes, click Save in the upper right hand corner of the page. A confirmation message appears at the bottom of the screen highlighted in green.
Delete Template
The red Delete button allows you to delete Templates you don't need anymore.